Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Crab and Random stuff!

So have been busy lately with my assignments and all... Reports here and there, late nights with equations and formulas... and ahh every student should know what i mean lah :P Anyway this is an update about my dinner last Saturday at this restaurant called Hoi Peng Seafood Restaurant. I knew this place as I always have my seafood dinner here with my uncles and aunties. Of course, the crabs here are gorgeous, if not I wont be able to remember this place at all. XD It's located somewhere around ss2 so it is not that far off from where I live. Took a picture of the wet napkins. Got alot of information on it. So i don't needa post their information myself XD

This is the sweet and sour chilli crab. You'll have to try this for yourself :D

Check out the tablespoon. Notice I said TABLEspoon. Those claws are huge man... This is like the INCREDIBLE CULK! (crab +hulk) get it? lol lame-o.

Even my plates were dwarfed by this huge*** claw haha. All those flesh inside... oh yeah... Satisfaction at its best.

So thats for crab eating on Saturday. Wanna eat crab too?? just gimme a call and i'll be glad to tag-along :D

Well, today wasn't too bad... Honsam woke me up for class today at around 9.45. I was nicely sleeping expecting class to be at 11am but man, i was wrong.. There was a replacement class for Solid Mechanics to replace this Friday(Yes! its going to be a public holiday)at 10am!. So I of course had my morning wars as i would like to call it. The war kinda goes like this. I have the Angel and Devil in my head. The Angel will keep pushing me to go to class despite what state I am in. Devil tells me not to go to class because of excuses such as "you gotta sleep! good sleep is good for health!" or " don't stress out about going to class! can self study" or "you can go a bit later :S". yes it is tempting to fall in to all those excuses but today Angel won! I just got up my bed.. rushhed in to the shower and then got out just in time (well, not exactly ON time) to leave for class. anyway, these last few weeks are important. with all the exam tips and revision coming.

So then had my daily thing going on... Management Studies class ended a bit early. Yeah like 1 and a half hours early! lololol class started at 1 and finished at 1.30 XD Dayum i love this class.... So me, kim Sun Malcolm and Honsam sat around the cafeteria and chitty chat chat for about an hour.. Games, girls, work, life, study, food aiya anything can chat la. We're not boring people XD

My AirMotor design is complete! Thanks to my good group mates who are actually kinda good at what they were assigned too! I think i'll publish a few pictures about the designed air motor soon.. Can't believe what we 2nd year students can do huh! We can take over the world with our skills! *dream on*

So thats about it then... had dinner and this and that and bla bla bla bla bla. Phew blogging is tiring.. Thats why some blogs die... I think i should start a new one. but this time, with another purpose. Can't think of any yet.... Maybe one dedicated to my baby? haha hey i might just consider that o.O

Crap. i forgot what i wanted to write.. seemed important tho.....

And the present is finally on its way! Nervous nervous! Will she like it. will she not? ><>

hmmm.... can't think of anything yet to post. (I think because i'm lazy)

Chiaoz people!

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