It's been a long time since the last time I blogged. Haven't been free to do so of course. Just the past week was crazy enough. Assignments, ASSIGNments, ASSIGNMENTS. One after another, they just keep piling up. Staying up late, or should i say 'early', until the wee hours in the morning just to complete and figure out what has gone wrong with calculations, designs and a whole lotta problem rises from beneath the surface. Listening to epic rock songs, dance songs; the occasional walk around or maybe just a short play on the guitar to get your mind of these troubles that we're to solve; something we would have to go through for our lives as Mechanical Engineers, or just engineers to be exact. Right, our lives are about solving problems.
Analytical as we may be, persistent, or so it seems, crazy. Sometimes we even question ourselves "what have we gotten ourselves into?" ,"Does this always have to be like this?" Questions that make you regret.
Unfortunately, life is never easy. Especially in a life that we humans create to sustain our survival, to expand our knowledge, and to make the world a better place to live in. We live in our man-made complicated world, teaching the next generation to do the same and this cycle, for now, seems to be like it'll never end. We're brought up to go to school, get a good job and survive in our materialistic world.
Some people may have different perceptions of life. but as far as I see it, it is useless to ask questions such as "why are we here? why do we exist?" Of course, some people may have answers to that. Unfortunately, their answers may not be the ultimate answer to these ultimate questions. It's better to say that we don't know, than to give a lie. Everyone in this world will have their support systems, holding them up and showing them the way. For me, what I have is what most people should acknowledge as existing support systems: their friends, family and their loved ones. I would like to believe that there is a God, but to define God is another totally different thing. God may be someone, God may be yourself, God may be nature. In other words, its good to believe that God exists, but not just a certain God. In my case, my God would be my conscience telling me to do the right thing, making decisions, and of course be of good moral and ethically right in our society. I have hope and faith in my loved ones, whom exist in this world. Even, if they were to do the wrong things, there should be a reason for what they've done and that does not make me lose my faith in them.
Anyway, its good to question things, because not everything are just "meant to be". There are reasons, some of that we may don't know of. Live your life, don't regret and remember to always question things, question what you do and have faith in yourself.
NBTD: Im just rambling :D
chiaoz people!
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